Milove Of Life Brittney Milove

Sometimes we just feel defeated.

It could be over the smallest little obstacle; a stubbed toe out of bed or forgetting to take the chicken out 30 mins before dinner. We have a habit as humans to crawl in misery & bask it in literally. We’ll jump on Facebook to rant it out or go like 100 videos of the world’s most unfortunate events.

I am human too & when I find myself in this sinkhole of a funk I try my hardest to dig deep to end it with gratitude.

When you are giving energy to what you are thankful for, truly thankful for that if it were to disappear tomorrow your life would be different. Those are the first treasures I like to thank first.

Being thankful sparks the part of you I like to call love. Love truly conquers all. Stay with me. I believe this because it puts you in a higher frequency, it starts to shift your thoughts & you actually FEEL the difference. While in this frequency of feel good I quickly remind myself that whatever it is that pissed me off has no power & I move on.

It’s ok to express emotion don’t get me wrong but to hold on to it is like poison. You have to choose to get out of that low vibrating frequency. It’s also important to learn from that feeling & how to logically avoid it for the next funk season.

My episode today took a total of 2 hours and 58 minutes.

I received a heartbreaking email (sooo being dramatic here) about the platform I consider my main traffic source to this very blog. It stung deep because of the thought of losing this was quite unbearable. I was flagged for spam because I failed to do my part and thoroughly read their community guidelines. I can recognize what I did wrong & end my pity party because it’s truly something I did, no one else!

This definitely takes practice. Instead of moving on and doing what I listed above I literally tried to spread the funk; I go to my partner & tell her what they did to me. She immediately says figure out why & think about it.

Of course, I didn’t want to do that so I begin my pity party: Pissing off my puppy scaring him with keys, laying awkwardly on my partner’s back while she’s Netflixed out. Until finally I remember, girl gratitude. Get out of that funk because it’s making everyone around you (Sorry Bre & Louis!) just as miserable as you are. You lived through COVID for heaven’s sake!

As I got down my grateful list I walk into my kitchen. A hot mess. I immediately began to clean & reorganize, move some things around & get rid of a couple of things.

I needed to do the things that keep me vibrating higher, especially to have my home reflect how I need to feel. You can do this too. I’m not saying start a full-blown kitchen remodel because your puppy pissed on the sofa, what I am saying is to be conscious of your environment and your mood. Clearing out that space, washing those dishes, getting rid of that random vase that doesn’t even match your decor can keep you in that high vibrating frequency.

I plan on doing a full Tribe appreciation post but it felt necessary to thank the people who support what I do & love me unconditionally. This blog would not have happened if I didn’t get inspired and motivated by these individuals! Thank you: Bre, Enjoli, Brennden & Ashley, Brim(Brenda), Marta P., Kiara, Trina, Gagan, Ariana, Tiffany, Shorty (Kristina), LaShara, Joe Evans, Joe D., Dineka, Crazy Rell, Shireen, Trish & Chris, Julie, Ashley L., Morgan J., Jasmine C., Nanas, & of course my Dad! I’m so thankful for this community we’re building & for all of the encouraging words, thoughts & prayers I receive on a daily basis. I have to make a choice to be happy & to vibrate higher to continue to give and receive those blessings from the Universe!

Stay safe & be grateful!

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    1. Thank you Sis!! I love that you subscribed to the Blog! Let me know if there are any topics you want me to cover! Love you!!

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